113 research outputs found

    Étude exploratoire des conditions supportant l'engagement dans l'activitĂ© de programmation informatique

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    De plus en plus de pays introduisent ou rĂ©introduisent la programmation informatique dans les programmes de formation de la maternelle jusqu’à l’école secondaire. Dans ce contexte, ce projet de recherche vise Ă  explorer les conditions qui supportent l’engagement lors de la pratique de la programmation informatique envisagĂ©e comme activitĂ© humaine. L’engagement est ici dĂ©fini suivant Ă  la fois des dĂ©finitions issues des sciences de l’éducation et de l’informatique. Il se dĂ©cline en trois types : comportemental, cognitif et affectif. Dix-huit (18) sujets ayant un minimum de cinq (5) ans d’expĂ©rience en programmation informatique ont acceptĂ© de participer Ă  des entretiens individuels semi-dirigĂ©s au cours desquels ils Ă©taient invitĂ©s Ă  discuter de la façon par laquelle ils ont appris Ă  programmer, des contextes dans lesquels ils se sont engagĂ©s et de leurs perceptions de l’implication cognitive et affective en jeu. Les discours ont Ă©tĂ© codifiĂ©s Ă  partir d’une dĂ©marche de recherche interprĂ©tative Ă©mergente afin d’éclairer la question de recherche suivante : Quelles sont les conditions supportant l’engagement dans l’activitĂ© de programmation informatique ? Les rĂ©sultats nous amĂšnent Ă  proposer trois conditions supportant l’engagement : (1) les programmeurs et programmeuses dĂ©veloppent un rapport au savoir dans lequel ils regardent un mĂȘme problĂšme depuis quatre postures Ă©pistĂ©mologiques en tension, (2) il y a convergence entre les motivations personnelles et organisationnelles, et (3) ils ont assez d’espace pour exprimer leur crĂ©ativitĂ©.Computer programming is being introduced or reintroduced in K-12 around the world. In this context, this project aims at exploring what supports engagement in computer programming considered as a human activity. Engagement is here defined following both an educational definition of school engagement and a computer science definition of engagement, and it is divided into three types: behavioral, cognitive and affective. Eighteen (18) subjects each with at least five years of cumulated programming experience accepted to take part in semidirected individual interviews. They were invited to discuss the way they learnt programming, the various contexts in which they engage themselves regarding programming, and their perception about cognitive and affective involvement. Parts of speech were then classified following an emergent research design to answer the following question: What conditions support engagement in computer programming? Results lead us to propose three conditions that support engagement: (1) programmers adopt a relationship to knowledge in which they must undertake different epistemological positions to develop an effective understanding of a problem, (2) there is a convergence between self and organizational motivations, and (3) they have enough space to express their creativity

    Perceived weight-related victimization and physical activity outcomes among adolescents with overweight and obesity: Indirect role of perceived physical abilities and fear of enacted stigma

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    Objectives Recently, victimization has been shown to be negatively related to physical activity among adolescents with overweight or obesity. However, research on this relation remains scarce and plagued by multiple limitations. The objectives of this study were twofold. First, we wanted to replicate and extend previous research among adolescents with overweight and obesity by examining the relations between perceived weight-related victimization in school-based physical activity and students’ perceived physical education performance or involvement in physical activity outside school. Second, we wanted to investigate the indirect role of perceived physical abilities and fear of enacted stigma on these relations. Design A cross-sectional design was used. Method A sample of 144 secondary school students with overweight and obesity participated in this study. Results Perceived physical abilities were found to play a significant and negative indirect role in the relations between perceived weight-related victimization and students’ perceived physical education performance or involvement in physical activity outside school. When sex and age were controlled for, these relations remained significant. The mediating role of fear of enacted stigma was non-significant. Conclusions Schools should implement policies that do not tolerate weight-related victimization of students and that promote a safe and positive climate during physical activities. Moreover, a personalized approach providing choices and encouragements would help youth gain confidence in their abilities to perform or engage in physical activities

    JACO assistive robotic device : empowering people with disabilities through innovative algorithms

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    JACO is a commercially available robotic assistive device designed to help people with upper body disabilities gaining more autonomy in their daily life. The device consists of an arm and hand (gripper) mounted on a power wheelchair. This assistance is possible through basic functions such as tri-dimensional displacement of the gripper in space, finger opening and closing and orientation of the wrist. Although these basic functionalities allow the user to perform many tasks, advanced functionalities were required to further empower the users. This paper presents advanced functionalities that were implemented in JACO in order to increase the users’ safety and to enhance their autonomy by increasing the number of achievable tasks and diminishing the time and effort needed to achieve them

    Enteric Delivery of Regenerating Family Member 3 alpha Alters the Intestinal Microbiota and Controls Inflammation in Mice With Colitis

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    Background & Aims Paneth cell dysfunction causes deficiencies in intestinal C-type lectins and antimicrobial peptides, which leads to dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota, alters the mucosal barrier, and promotes development of inflammatory bowel diseases. We investigated whether transgenic (TG) expression of the human regenerating family member 3 alpha gene ( REG3A ) alters the fecal microbiota and affects development of colitis in mice. Methods We performed studies with C57BL/6 mice that express human regenerating family member 3 alpha (hREG3A) in hepatocytes, via the albumin gene promoter. In these mice, hREG3A travels via the bile to the intestinal lumen. Some mice were given dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) to induce colitis. Feces were collected from mice and the composition of the microbiota was analyzed by 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing. The fecal microbiome was also analyzed from mice that express only 1 copy of human REG3A transgene but were fed feces from control mice (not expressing hREG3A) as newborns. Mice expressing hREG3A were monitored for DSS-induced colitis after cohousing or feeding feces from control mice. Colitis was induced in another set of control and hREG3A-TG mice by administration of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid; some mice were given intrarectal injections of the hREG3A protein. Colon tissues were collected from mice and analyzed by histology and immunohistochemistry to detect mucin 2, as well as by 16S ribosomal RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization, transcriptional analyses, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. We measured levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in bacterial cultures and fecal microbiota using 2â€Č,7â€Č-dichlorofluorescein diacetate and flow cytometry. Results The fecal microbiota of mice that express hREG3A had a significant shift in composition, compared with control mice, with enrichment of Clostridiales (Ruminococcaceae, Lachnospiraceae) and depletion of Bacteroidetes (Prevotellaceae); the TG mice developed less-severe colitis following administration of DSS than control mice, associated with preserved gut barrier integrity and reduced bacterial translocation, epithelial inflammation, and oxidative damage. A similar shift in the composition of the fecal microbiota occurred after a few months in TG mice heterozygous for REG3A that harbored a wild-type maternal microbiota at birth; these mice developed less-severe forms of colitis following DSS administration. Cohoused and germ-free mice fed feces from REG3A- TG mice and given DSS developed less-severe forms of colitis and had reduced lipopolysaccharide activation of the toll-like receptor 4 and increased survival times compared with mice not fed feces from REG3A -TG mice. REG3A TG mice developed only mild colonic inflammation after exposure to 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid, compared with control mice. Control mice given intrarectal hREG3A and exposed to 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid showed less colon damage and inflammation than mice not given intrarectal hREG3A. Fecal samples from REG3A- TG mice had lower levels of ROS than feces from control mice during DSS administration. Addition of hREG3A to bacterial cultures reduced levels of ROS and increased survival of oxygen-sensitive commensal bacteria ( Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Roseburia intestinalis ). Conclusions Mice with hepatocytes that express hREG3A, which travels to the intestinal lumen, are less sensitive to colitis than control mice. We found hREG3A to alter the colonic microbiota by decreasing levels of ROS. Fecal microbiota from REG3A -TG mice protect non-TG mice from induction of colitis. These findings indicate a role for reduction of oxidative stress in preserving the gut microbiota and its ability to prevent inflammation

    “Frozen-Ground Cartoons”: Permafrost comics as an innovative tool for polar outreach, education, and engagement

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    Permafrost occupies 20 million square kilometres of Earth’s high-latitude and high-altitude landscapes. These regions are sensitive to climate change and human activities; hence, permafrost research is of considerable scientific and societal importance. However, the results of this research are generally not known by the general public. Communicating scientific concepts is an increasingly important task in the research world. Different ways to engage learners and incorporate narratives in teaching materials exist, yet they are generally underused. Here we report on an international scientific outreach project called “Frozen-Ground Cartoons”, which aims at making permafrost science accessible and fun for students, teachers, and parents through the creation of comic strips.We present the context in which the project was initiated, as well as recent education and outreach activities. The future phases of the project primarily involve a series of augmented reality materials, such as maps, photos, videos, and 3D drawings. With this project we aim to foster understanding of permafrost research among broader audiences, inspire future permafrost researchers, and raise public and science community awareness of polar science, education, outreach, and engagement

    Links Between Metabolic and Structural Changes in the Brain of Cognitively Normal Older Adults: A 4-Year Longitudinal Follow-Up

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    We aimed to longitudinally assess the relationship between changing brain energy metabolism (glucose and acetoacetate) and cognition during healthy aging. Participants aged 71 ± 5 year underwent cognitive evaluation and quantitative positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans at baseline (N = 25) and two (N = 25) and four (N = 16) years later. During the follow-up, the rate constant for brain extraction of glucose (Kglc) declined by 6%–12% mainly in the temporo-parietal lobes and cingulate gyri (p ≀ 0.05), whereas brain acetoacetate extraction (Kacac) and utilization remained unchanged in all brain regions (p ≄ 0.06). Over the 4 years, cognitive results remained within the normal age range but an age-related decline was observed in processing speed. Kglc in the caudate was directly related to performance on several cognitive tests (r = +0.41 to +0.43, allp ≀ 0.04). Peripheral insulin resistance assessed by the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was significantly inversely related to Kglc in the thalamus (r = −0.44, p = 0.04) and in the caudate (r = −0.43, p = 0.05), and also inversely related to executive function, attention and processing speed (r = −0.45 to −0.53, all p ≀ 0.03). We confirm in a longitudinal setting that the age-related decline in Kglc is directly associated with declining performance on some tests of cognition but does not significantly affect Kacac

    Es taut! Frozen-Ground Cartoons: Eine internationale Kooperation zwischen KĂŒnstlern und Permafrost-Wissenschaftlern

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    Dieses Projekt startete im Oktober 2015 mit einer verrĂŒckten Idee: Schreiben und Einreichen eines Antrags auf Förderung einer internationalen, multidisziplinĂ€ren und nicht-traditionell wissenschaftlichen Projektinitiative
 innerhalb von 48 Stunden. Und es hat geklappt ! Eine Gruppe hoch motivierter, junger Forscher aus Kanada und Europa hat sich gebildet, um Kunst und Wissenschaft zu kombinieren und eine Reihe von Comics ĂŒber Permafrost (gefrorene Böden) zu produzieren. Unser Ziel ist es, zu zeigen, wie wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im hohen Norden funktioniert, mit dem Schwerpunkt auf GelĂ€ndearbeit und den schnellen UmweltverĂ€nderungen in der Arktis. Die Zielgruppe sind Kinder, Jugendliche, Eltern und Lehrer, mit dem allgemeinen Ziel, Permafrost zugĂ€nglicher und mit Spaß zu vermitteln. Denn ratet mal: Permafrost ist ein Gebiet von mehr als 20 Millionen km2 auf der Nordhalbkugel – ein riesiges Gebiet. Durch die KlimaerwĂ€rmung taut der Permafrost und wird zu instabil, um HĂ€user, Straßen und FlughĂ€fen zu tragen. Durch das Auftauen von gefrorenem Boden werden außerdem Pflanzen- und Tierhabitate zerstört, die WasserqualitĂ€t und Ökologie von Seen beeinflusst und auf Grund der Freisetzung von Kohlenstoff als Treibhausgas in die AtmosphĂ€re wird der Klimawandel sogar verstĂ€rkt. Daher betrifft Permafrost und seine Reaktion auf den Klimawandel uns alle. Die Internationale Permafrost Gemeinschaft (IPA) hat das Projekt als „Action Group“ von Beginn an unterstĂŒtzt und seitdem sind noch viele weitere Sponsoren dazugekommen. Und hier sind wir nun: Zwei Jahre nach der ersten Idee. Ihr seid kurz davor das zu lesen, was das Ergebnis eines stĂ€ndigen Austauschs zwischen KĂŒnstlern und Wissenschaftlern ist. ZunĂ€chst hatten wir eine Ausschreibungsrunde und erhielten 49 Bewerbungen von KĂŒnstlern aus 16 LĂ€ndern. Durch ein Bewertungsverfahren wĂ€hlten wir zwei KĂŒnstlerinnen aus, um an diesem Projekt zu arbeiten: NoĂ©mie Ross aus Kanada und Heta NÀÀs aus Finnland. Mit den BeitrĂ€gen von Wissenschaftlern erstellten NoĂ©mie und Heta fantastische Cartoons, die ein paar der VerĂ€nderungen erklĂ€ren, die in Permafrost-Gebieten passieren. Zum Beispiel: wie wird die Welt der Menschen und Tiere beeinflusst und was machen Forscher, um diese Prozesse besser zu verstehen, sodass sie den Einheimischen helfen können, innovative Wege zur Anpassung zu finden

    Frozen-Ground Cartoons: An international collaboration between artists and permafrost scientists

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    Communicating science about a phenomenon found under ground and defined by its thermal properties in an easy, funny, and engaging way, can be a challenge. Two years ago, a group of young researchers from Canada and Europe united to tackle this problem by combining arts and science to produce a series of outreach comic strips about permafrost (frozen ground). Because this concerns us all. As the climate warms, permafrost thaws and becomes unstable for houses, roads and airports. The thawing also disrupts ecosystems, impacts water quality, and releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, making climate change even stronger. The Frozen Ground Cartoon project aims to present and explain permafrost research, placing emphasis on field work and the rapidly changing northern environment. The target audience is kids, youth, parents and teachers, with the general goal of making permafrost science more fun and accessible to the public. The project has so far produced 22 pages of comics through an iterative process of exchanging ideas between two artists and thirteen scientists. The project artists were selected through an application call that received 49 applications from artists in 16 countries. With input from scientists, artists Noémie Ross (Canada) and Heta NÀÀs (Finland) have created a set of beautiful, artistic, humoristic, and pedagogic comics. The comics are available for free download through the project web page (in English and Swedish), and printed copies have so far been handed out to school kids and general public in Europe and Canada. The next steps of this project are (1) to distribute the comics as wide as possible, (2) work towards translations into more languages, and (3) to evaluate the effectiveness of the science communication through the comics, in collaboration with schools and pedagogic experts

    Germline EPHB2 Receptor Variants in Familial Colorectal Cancer

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    Familial clustering of colorectal cancer occurs in 15–20% of cases, however recognized cancer syndromes explain only a small fraction of this disease. Thus, the genetic basis for the majority of hereditary colorectal cancer remains unknown. EPHB2 has recently been implicated as a candidate tumor suppressor gene in colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of EPHB2 to hereditary colorectal cancer. We screened for germline EPHB2 sequence variants in 116 population-based familial colorectal cancer cases by DNA sequencing. We then estimated the population frequencies and characterized the biological activities of the EPHB2 variants identified. Three novel nonsynonymous missense alterations were detected. Two of these variants (A438T and G787R) result in significant residue changes, while the third leads to a conservative substitution in the carboxy-terminal SAM domain (V945I). The former two variants were found once in the 116 cases, while the V945I variant was present in 2 cases. Genotyping of additional patients with colorectal cancer and control subjects revealed that A438T and G787R represent rare EPHB2 alleles. In vitro functional studies show that the G787R substitution, located in the kinase domain, causes impaired receptor kinase activity and is therefore pathogenic, whereas the A438T variant retains its receptor function and likely represents a neutral polymorphism. Tumor tissue from the G787R variant case manifested loss of heterozygosity, with loss of the wild-type allele, supporting a tumor suppressor role for EPHB2 in rare colorectal cancer cases. Rare germline EPHB2 variants may contribute to a small fraction of hereditary colorectal cancer

    MRI-Based Radiomics Input for Prediction of 2-Year Disease Recurrence in Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    International audiencePurpose: Chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) is the standard treatment for non-metastatic anal squamous cell carcinomas (ASCC). Despite excellent results for T1-2 stages, relapses still occur in around 35% of locally advanced tumors. Recent strategies focus on treatment intensification, but could benefit from a better patient selection. Our goal was to assess the prognostic value of pre-therapeutic MRI radiomics on 2-year disease control (DC). Methods: We retrospectively selected patients with non-metastatic ASCC treated at the CHU Bordeaux and in the French FFCD0904 multicentric trial. Radiomic features were extracted from T2-weighted pre-therapeutic MRI delineated sequences. After random division between training and testing sets on a 2:1 ratio, univariate and multivariate analysis were performed on the training cohort to select optimal features. The correlation with 2-year DC was assessed using logistic regression models, with AUC and accuracy as performance gauges, and the prediction of disease-free survival using Cox regression and Kaplan-Meier analysis. Results: A total of 82 patients were randomized in the training (n = 54) and testing sets (n = 28). At 2 years, 24 patients (29%) presented relapse. In the training set, two clinical (tumor size and CRT length) and two radiomic features (FirstOrder_Entropy and GLCM_JointEnergy) were associated with disease control in univariate analysis and included in the model. The clinical model was outperformed by the mixed (clinical and radiomic) model in both the training (AUC 0.758 versus 0.825, accuracy of 75.9% versus 87%) and testing (AUC 0.714 versus 0.898, accuracy of 78.6% versus 85.7%) sets, which led to distinctive high and low risk of disease relapse groups (HR 8.60, p = 0.005). Conclusion: A mixed model with two clinical and two radiomic features was predictive of 2-year disease control after CRT and could contribute to identify high risk patients amenable to treatment intensification with view of personalized medicine
